(877) 883-2947


Realtor Safety is Job#1

When you sell real estate, safety and confidence are key! When our door and window guards are in place, you can feel unwavering confidence that you and your property are safe, no matter who is or isn’t inside.

Protect yourself at all times!

DAWGS steel window panels were created for realtor safety.

DAWGS keep your windows and doors completely sealed, and the only people who can open the door are the people you give access to, so you never have to worry about surprises when you visit a property.

They’re better than board-up because they’re built to keep homes and vacant buildings free of crime and uninvited guests. We take that seriously–we’ve tested our products in some of the toughest neighborhoods in Chicago, Detroit, LA, New Jersey, and we’ve come out on top. Nothing gets past us, and that means nothing gets to you either. When you go into a property protected by DAWGS, you know that you are guarded by steel, not flimsy plywood.


DAWGS patented steel door and window guards eliminate the risk of break-ins or tampering. Installed by our highly responsive, flexible labor crews, DAWGS door and window guards stay firmly in place with virtually no risk of being compromised.

The National Association of Realtors publishes an informative list of safety tips for realtors: The goal of the REALTOR® Safety Program is to reduce the number of safety incidents in the industry, so every REALTOR® comes home safely to his or her family every night. Talk about safety; create a safety plan and follow it; and encourage your fellow REALTORS® to do the same.

If you want to learn more about DAWGS, click here to contact our rental services department and learn more about your vacant property security options, or call us at 1-877-883-2947.