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security for vacant property
Spotlight on Single Family Rentals

Single Family Rentals (SFRs) are the largest source of rental housing in America, especially in rural areas where they account for two-thirds of the rental housing stock, according to a Freddie Mac white paper titled “Single Family Rental: An Evolving Market.” SFRs provide housing to 25 million Americans and is valued at more than $4 trillion. Apart from the select few institutional investors with access to capital markets, the secondary market opportunities for SFR loans are limited, according to Freddie Mac.

Secondary market opportunities for SFR loans are limited. Apart from these select few institutional investors with access to the capital markets, there are limited secondary market opportunities for SFR loans with middle-tier investors that would provide liquidity and stability. The paper also stated that there is no uniform set of terms and credit standards for loans on SFRs.

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