DAWGS vacant property security
DAWGS Donates vacant property security Services
Chicago-based DAWGS (Door and Window Guard Systems, Inc.) has donated their vacant property security services to a local non-profit, The Lights of Honor International (LHI), to help build a brighter future for veterans.
DAWGS manufactures and rents proprietary steel door and window guards to secure and protect vacant properties and restore distressed neighborhoods. In parallel with DAWGS, a goal of The Lights of Honor International (LHI) is to repurpose and retool communities and buildings. LHI’s mission also extends to rebuilding families and helping local veterans in need.
The property DAWGS is securing is a three-flat on the Southeast side of Chicago. The Lights of Honor International is in the process of rehabbing and restoring the property. Once restored, the property, obtained through the Freddie Mac Home Steps Program, will serve as a new residence for veterans and their families.
LHI’s Founder and President Father Wolf Werling comments “This initiative allows veterans the opportunity to get plugged back into the neighborhood and community from where they have come. We want people and families to grow from where they’ve been planted, to become leaders and mentors and inspire positive change in themselves and those around them.”
Each new building that is restored and rehabbed is done so with the help of local veterans. This allows them to work on a project, which will ultimately benefit local veterans.
Steve Werner, Business Development at DAWGS states “The DAWGS team is pleased to work with Father Werling and LHI to support local communities and veterans through this important initiative.” he continues “DAWGS is always looking for ways to give back to the communities where we work.
The rehab project is scheduled for completion in early 2018. The two and three bedroom units will provide a home and new opportunities for three veterans and their families.